Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

The time has come, he is going abroad again for work

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The Time is Now

Well, today was the day. I’ve been in denial about since we were given the definite time frame a month ago and I’ve all but ignored it since we had a definite date, an airline ticket and a hotel reservation. Even this weekend as we shopped for necessities, filled the bed with clothes and supplies, and then packed 3 1/2 suitcases, it still wasn’t sinking in. But I think last night right before we went to dinner it started to finally hit me. Today Jesse left for another long work trip to China. It will be at least 2 months this time. Didn’t we just reunite to be together under one roof?

I know that this is an incredible opportunity for him, one that I am slightly jealous of. Let’s face it, he is being submerged into another culture and has the chance to see, do, eat, and experience amazing things. I also know that it is not the end of the world. We have email, texting, video chatting, facebook and phone calls to keep us in touch. But it just plain stinks to think about not having my buddy around to take weekend drives or go out to breakfast or wake up next to in the morning. You see, the thing is, I really like him. He’s fun to be around and I’ll miss that.

Travel Cookies

So for the next 2 months I’m going to be focused more than ever on finding a job as an RN. I’m going to hopefully spend some time baking and blogging. I hope to visit Cincinnati at some point too. Basically, I’m just going to keep myself busy and stay strong just like I promised Jesse I would do. And in the meantime if anyone wants to come visit me in San Diego, I’d be happy to host you!!! Free room and board!

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