China – Week Two Part Two
>I am so glad I decided to split this week into 2 posts. If I had waited and put it all in one it would have been a novel! This…
>I am so glad I decided to split this week into 2 posts. If I had waited and put it all in one it would have been a novel! This…
This will once again be a very long winded post. Which is why I have decided to split this week into 2 posts. Just like last week feel free to…
>This post is going to be a recap (I wanted to say "quick" recap, but lord knows I like to get wordy) of my first week in China. I have…
>Ni hao! I made it to China. That was one really long flight. 13 1/2 hours to be exact. Then after all that we had to taxi for 25 minutes…