Rosemary and Olive Oil Mashed Sweet Potatoes

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After discovering a love for savory roasted sweet potatoes, the author shares a recipe for Rosemary and Olive Oil Mashed Sweet Potatoes. The dish, perfect for Thanksgiving, emphasizes the importance of taste-testing for texture and flavor adjustments. The simple recipe calls for steaming sweet potatoes, mashing with olive oil, milk, salt, and fresh rosemary, and serving with additional seasoning.

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Classic Pumpkin Pie

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Two years after sharing a beloved pumpkin pie recipe, the author's latest attempt flopped, prompting experimentation with the often-ignored canned pumpkin recipe. Surprisingly, the simple, back-of-the-can recipe yielded a delicious, crack-free pie which the author admits is not her creation but deserves recognition. The classic pumpkin pie recipe from LIBBY'S® is shared, proving sometimes simplicity wins.

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